Hope new chapter opened on OpenCV!

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X. labelme

Download and install anaconda, create a new env within anaconda and activide it

{{ codeblock install shell }} conda install pyqt conda install pillow pip install labelme {{ /codeblock }}

“Magnification” and “zoom” are related terms often used in the context of optics, photography, and microscopy. While they are related, they refer to slightly different concepts:

  1. Magnification: - Magnification refers to the process of enlarging an object or an image to make it appear larger than its actual size. - In optics or microscopy, magnification is typically a fixed value that indicates how much larger an object appears through a lens or an optical system compared to its actual size. - Magnification is often expressed as a ratio or a factor (e.g., 2x magnification means the object appears twice as large as its actual size).
  2. Zoom: - Zoom refers to the ability to change the focal length of a lens or adjust the field of view of an optical system to make an object appear larger or smaller. - In photography or videography, zooming involves adjusting the focal length of a zoom lens to bring the subject closer (zoom in) or move it further away (zoom out). - Zoom lenses have a variable focal length, allowing users to adjust the magnification level by changing the zoom setting.

In summary, magnification is a measure of how much larger an object appears compared to its actual size, often a fixed value, while zoom refers to the ability to adjust the magnification level by changing the focal length of a lens or adjusting the field of view of an optical system.